Friday, November 27, 2009

aware of when we deal with people

today i learn word aware.

what things that we must we aware of when we deal with people ?
  1. don't tell your secret to them
  2. know what they like and don't like
  3. know who they are (FO)
    - Family (their famil and their home)
    - Occupation
  4. don't give your address home and your mobile phone until you trust them.
  5. don't go to quite place with them.

This my FAQ about aware :
  1. what aware that have connection with communication, dream, time management and dating ?
  2. what word that must we aware of when we deal with people ?
  3. what things that we aware of when we close to girl that desire for ?
  4. how to be people that aware of ?
  5. what things that we aware of ?

my other diary
- the things that we must do when people ashamed of

my other article
- 20 times money rules

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